Mutual Fund Distributor
We are mutual fund distributor registered with AMFI – the Association of Mutual Funds in India, which is the association of the Mutual Fund industry in India.
Personalized Investment Plan is designed to:
• Frame your needs, priorities, and wealth management objectives
• Assess how much risk you feel comfortable taking
• Identify areas of special focus and preferences, e.g., building income for a retirement portfolio, managing potential tax consequences
• Establish a reference point to monitor portfolio strategies and evaluate results
• Help you to keep your portfolio strategy on track during market peaks and troughs
Crafting a prudent strategy for each client
All of our investment decisions are guided by the exceptional talent and insight of our Investment Strategy Team—the firm's elite cadre of top analysts, strategists, and economists with many decades of investment experience. Utilizing their considerable knowledge, our goal is to preserve and grow your assets while helping you avoid unnecessary risks.
Our complete asset management process:
Asset allocation
We have access to research, forecast market and economic trends, and provide asset allocation advice that seeks to enhance return potential and reduce volatility. In addition, we:
• Develop strategic asset allocations based on long-term forecasts and tactical asset allocations to capitalize on short-term market shifts
• Focus on providing competitive long-term returns with reduced downside risk to curb portfolio volatility and sharp upturns and downturns
• Diversify investments among asset classes that do not move in lockstep to maximize the return for a given level of risk
• Employ both active and passive investing, depending on the circumstances and which is better suited to enhance portfolio performance at the lowest cost
Portfolio construction
We factor in risk tolerance, tax-sensitivity, and other considerations to create portfolios for you that are designed to provide you with competitive long-term returns with reduced downside risk.
Retirement Planning
Explore retirement goals and objectives. Develop a plan that will provide adequate resources prior to and during retirement.
Stock Broking
We are a registered Authorized Person of Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited in Stocks, Commodities and Currency broking services.
Estate Planning
Optimize wealth transfer and reduce tax liability.
Tax Planning and Projections
Utilize strategies to minimize your tax liability.
Risk Management - Insurance
We provide customized risk management programs to meet financial losses following an unforeseen disaster, which includes:
» Through study of the operations to identify, analyze and assess risks
» Critical evaluation of existing insurance programme
» Deliberation on appropriate covers
» Designing of cost effective insurance solutions
Underwriting Management
» Preparation of Request for Quote (RFQ)
» Analysis of quotes received
» Negotiation
» Quote Comparison Report (QCR) and recommendations for informed decision
» Placement through professional slip with all beneficial clauses
» Examinations of policies on receipt
» Regular meetings
Claim Management
We have in-house experts and extensive relationship with insurer to facilitate fair and expeditious claim settlement through:
» Guidance to dealing staff
» Examination of papers before submission to surveyors
» Drafting/vetting of correspondence
» Co-ordination with surveyor and insurer to get fair and expeditious settlement
» Joint meeting with insurer whenever needed