5 key ideas for wealth creation in equity


Wealth creation is everyone’s dream but not everyone can successfully do it. While various investment gurus have various ideas for wealth creation, we have tried to mention a practical few. Let’s be clear, there is no formula for certainty of wealth creation in equity. One needs to develop strategies, implement ideas and perform a whole lot of research that goes without saying. Let us discuss 5 key ideas for wealth creation in equity.

Set practical financial goals

Depending on your risk appetite set your financial goals. Understand and draw difference between your needs and wants clearly. Where to invest your hard earned money? How long to invest for? What is the potential of growth? etc. Investing in equity has changed lives. Some have made fortunes while some have lost


You would not want to buy anything which is of sub-standard quality, would you? Research is the strongest support for your investments; or should we say “wiser investments”! People often say that investment in equities is nothing less than gambling. They say so because they often come across the term “Tip”. The golden rule about investing in equities is that there is no place for “Tips” because these tips are nothing more than word of mouth without any backing of data. On the other hand, research makes investing in equity less of a gambling game and more of knowledge based wealth creation medium. It is necessary to research about the quality stocks that have shown growth in the past and at the same time have potential to deliver with similar consistency for times to come. Invest not only your money but also your time in learning these companies.

Focused Portfolio

Once you have researched thoroughly and identified quality stocks, the next step is to invest

You would not want to buy anything which is of sub-standard quality, would you? Research in appropriate quantity. Avoid investing in too many stocks that may scatter your attention. You don’t need 100 stocks in your portfolio; only a few good names can do the trick. Managing big portfolios is quiet difficult as you practically can’t keep a tab on each stock in a bigger portfolio. There is a notion that the large number of stocks reduces the risk. However, there are studies which show that after about 20 - 25 stocks the risk tends to be constant. So invest in a few quality stocks that keep your portfolio simple to manage.

Long term

If you are investing in equity, it’s advisable to invest for a longer time. Buy the right stocks and hold them across market cycle. Investing in equities is not only about quality stock picks but also requires patience to see your money grow. Remember the quote by Charlie Munger; ‘Big money is not in buying or selling, it’s in waiting’.


It may happen that your risk appetite may change or you may face an unforeseen circumstance while you are still invested. At such times you may choose to effectively reconstruct your portfolio so as to benefit from the risk reward equation. Churning your portfolio time to time isn’t a good recommendation. However, you may opt to reconstruct your portfolio according to your changed risk appetite only if it is necessary.

Source: Motilal Oswal